Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Desserts is “Stressed” Spelled Backwards


Don’t like your size? Well do something about it! In today’s society, there are many women adopting a workout routine. Do what works for you whether it’s walking around the track, zumba, or at the gym. You are your worst critic, so chances are you already are beautiful as is. But for those who want to improve and tone your body, start by eating healthy snacks instead of cookies, candy, and chocolates. (Tip: If you do want to indulge in chocolate, dark chocolate is better for you). You don’t have to totally stop eating these delicious sweets just use moderation. Snacks such as popcorn, carrots, yogurts, and fruit will benefit your body and health. You don’t need to do a crash diet, just eat healthier food, eat smaller portions, healthy snacks, drink more water, and adopt a 20 minute workout routine. Don’t stress yourself over your weight! STARLETS remember that all shapes and sizes are beautiful.

"A lot of people get impatient with the pace of change."
Below are a Food Pyramid just to remind you of the servings of food you need to consume and a link where you can get your own personalized eating plan.

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